We know the world is a very different place now than it was even a month ago. There are those who have had to move or cancel their weddings; there are those who may be recently engaged and are having a hard time even conceiving of planning a wedding right now. Truthfully, here at The Capable Bride, we’ve been trying to adjust to our new (temporary) normal as well, and so while you may not have seen posts recently, we are still here trying to help.
I know this has been a hard time for many couples. Perhaps you had a wedding postponed or cancelled, or perhaps you were just getting ready to start wedding planning and are now a little gun-shy. I feel for you, and it’s definitely not a situation that could have been anticipated or desired. People may have lost jobs and don’t have the income they expected to have, or they have had to deal with sickness (personally or with a loved one). Have you come up with a game plan if you’re in this situation? If not, head over to wedding-md.com for some helpful tips that I’ve shared with my own clients.
On the vendor side, it’s been tough as well. Our whole world has been turned upside down, both personally and professionally. Weddings are just not happening right now, and while money isn’t the most important thing right now, loss of revenue and income are a big deal for the entire industry. Postponements/cancels/reluctant future couples: none of it is good news for me and fellow vendors.
Even with all the upheaval, it’s not all doom and gloom. I’ve also seen the goodness in people making the best of a bad situation. Whether it’s sewing masks, donating food, finding ways to stay connected even when we must be apart, or even just showing appreciation for all those who are still out there trying to beat this virus back, it’s so nice to see the love, hope, and kindness that is on full display. There is also the firm knowledge, that this crisis will pass, and we will all be together again soon.
How can I, as a wedding planner, help right now? One thing I know for sure is that wedding planning is not a solo activity. There will be many pieces to bring it all together, and we’d love to help you get on the right path. Even if you’re not really in the right head space to be fully planning your wedding, this moment may actually be a great time to put some thought in to what you want your wedding to be about: you have time, the internet is at your fingertips, and it may provide a healthy distraction from the current situation. In the meantime, when you’re able to get back to all the pretty things that make up a wedding, we will be ready for you. And when finally get around to the practical pieces as well, know that we have stores of knowledge built up that is here for the taking.
Stay safe and healthy if you can; do all the good things you can do; and find the love and happiness even in this trying time.
Martine Dardignac
The Capable Bride